My name is Erin, I am a wife and mother of two. I grew up in the Seattle suburbs and now live in small town Texas. In 2003 I moved to Fort Worth, Texas to attend TCU where, after 5 years, I graduated with a Masters of Accounting and a minor in Public Relations. In another life I was an accountant, charging long hours with little or no satisfaction. During this time, The Simply Fabulous was born as a way for me to channel my creative side, a side of me that I had ignored while focusing on my education. Unfortunately, due to the time sucking nature of public accounting, this blog was largely neglected. In 2010, my husband and I finally decided it was time I trade in my 10-key for carpool. We moved 2 hours from a place I called home to a small town in North Texas.
I created The Simply Fabulous as a way to document my interesting and inspiring discoveries. My passion lies in home decor, fashion, food, and entertaining, although you will find me contemplating other topics as well. I hope to show you that it is possible to integrate children into a fabulous lifestyle, full of happiness. Hopefully I can do for you what so many bloggers have done for me, introduce you to something new and exciting. Please take time to look around, I hope you find something that you adore as much as I do.